Breast Lift Or Mastopexy


Benefits of the procedure

A successful breast lift will improve the position of the breasts:

  • will give them firmness and perfect their form,
  • give a greater proportion to the figure,
  • will favor the appearance and personal safety of the patient.


Prior consultation

During the consultation Dr. Jesus Chung will listen carefully to your wishes, expectations and doubts, and will try to answer each of them, guiding you to the best decision for your particular case, taking into account your clinical history and the results you want. get. Finally, perform a visual examination, and explain the process of surgery, including the type of anesthesia to use, and post-operative recommendations. .


Development of the procedure

This procedure consists of tightening the skin of the breasts in a way that looks smooth and young, to achieve this, the excess skin is removed, making incisions around the areola, and if necessary at the base of the bust; In addition, the desired result can be complemented with the use of implants that will improve the appearance of the skin and give more volume. The most used techniques used: Periareolar mastopexy, applied to women who need a mild intervention, because their case is not so severe; and the vertical or anchor when they have more excess skin.

Duration of the procedure

Breast lift surgery usually lasts between an hour and a half and three hours, this varies depending on the technique used.

Recovery at home

he breast lift is an outpatient surgery, so you can return home a few hours after the procedure, because only in special cases, when large amounts of tissue are removed, it is advisable to spend the night in the clinic so your doctor can Track the recovery process.

What to expect next

Most women feel very satisfied with the result of the surgery, because it is possible to perceive a dramatic change in the shape of the breasts immediately after the procedure, as well as a clear improvement in the overall outline of the silhouette, especially when The procedure has been combined with other surgeries such as abdominoplasty and liposculpture.